

Foto: Anne Günther (Universität Jena)

In the winter semester 2024/25 Dr. Isabelle Ley will hold a Übungs- and Examensseminar on the topic "The law and politics of arms export control and European defense cooperation under German, EU and international law". Certificats can be acquired for focus area (Schwerpunktbereich) 4 and 6 as well as for the International Legal Studies program. The application deadline for wissenschaftliche Hausarbeiten is July 31st, 2024. All further information on the course can be found here.

Guest Lecture by Professor Helmut Aust

Prof. Dr. Helmut Aust
Prof. Dr. Helmut Aust
Foto: Helmut Aust

The Chair of International Law is proud to announce an upcoming guest lecture by Professor Helmut Aust on the current lawsuit of Nicaragua against Germany at the International Court of Justice under the title "Völkerrechtliche Verpflichtungen von Drittstaaten im Gazakrieg - Zum IGH-Verfahren zwischen Nicaragua und Deutschland". The guest lecture will be held on June 12th from 6 PM to 8 PM in the Law Faculty's conference room (room 2.43), Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3. All interested guests are kindly invited to attend the lecture.

Helmut Aust is Professor for Public Law and the Internationalization of the Legal Order at Freie Universität Berlin. He is also co-chairman of the ILA committee "Urbanisation and International Law - Potential and Pitfalls" and author of "Complicity and the Law of State Responsibility" (CUP 2011).

Upcoming Guest Visit Professor Guillermo Estrada

Prof. Dr. Guillermo Estrada
Prof. Dr. Guillermo Estrada
Foto: Guillermo Estrada

The Chair of International Law is glad and proud to welcome Prof. Dr. Guillermo Estrada (UNAM, Mexico City) to his guest visit and research stay at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena in May 2024. While staying in Jena, Professor Estrada will be working on his research project on "the limits of the collective guarantee in international human rights law". Professor Rodiles and Professor Estrada will also use this opportunity to discuss potentials for future cooperation in terms of both research and teaching.

Professor Estrada teaches public international law and international human rights law at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He is currently a researcher at Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM and a fellow at Edinburgh Law School. He has been a full-time professor at the Faculty of Law at UNAM and a lecturer at El Colegio de México, ITAM, and Universidad Iberoamericana.

Professor Estrada has also served as an arbitrator in the London Court of International Arbitration and the International Chamber of Commerce. He earned his law degree (LL. B) and PhD from UNAM, as well as an LL. M from Universidad de Alcalá. He has also been a visiting academic at Università degli Studi di Milano and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law.

He has published articles and texts on public international law, international judicial interpretation, and the inter-American human rights system, among other topics.


From the Margins of Empire: Central & Eastern European and Latin American Prosopographies of International Law

Join us for a compelling workshop at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, exploring the intricate relationships and historical narratives of Central & Eastern Europe and Latin America within the context of international law. This event will be held on May 27, 2024, at the Konferenzsaal des Kollegs (Am Planetarium 7), Jena, Germany. Convened by distinguished scholars Alejandro Rodiles Bretón, Jakub Szumski, and Daniel R. Quiroga-Villamarín, this workshop offers a series of insightful presentations, including discussions on the role of law as an obstacle to social change, the influence of non-mainstream scholars on Soviet international law, the historical impact of the United Fruit Company on international law, and the Cold War perspectives of East-Central Europe towards the Global South. For registration and further inquiries, please contact daniel.quiroga@graduateinstitute.ch. We look forward to your participation in this enlightening exploration of law and history from the perspectives often overlooked by mainstream discourse.